Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Funny Omegle conversation.

I love going on Omegle and messing with people. Here is a funny conversation i just had:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
Stranger: I was just hit on by a 50 year old male from italy.
Stranger: Cleanse me.
You: Awesome. I was just hit on by a 29 year old from China.
You: I sent him a picture of a walrus, I said it was me.
Stranger: HA
You: He left.
Stranger: I had a friend who did that once.
Stranger: Although it was a picture of a walrus hugging a shark.
You: yeah?
Stranger: Shark didn't like that.
You: That sounds like a violent picture.
Stranger: It's cute!
Stranger: Walrus just wanted a hug!
You: Oh.
You: Yeah.
You: Lol
You: My mom threw me out yesterday:(
Stranger: That's really sad!
Stranger: You can come to my house! :D
You: yeah.
You: Lol
You: She caught me smoking.
You: It's a loing story
You: *Long
You: can i tell it?
Stranger: Sure!
You: Okay.
You: It was a usual day for me, I was just hanging out with my friends and having a good time. My mom never liked my friends but they were the only people there for me after my dad died ten months ago.
You: They were a bad crowd. I knew they were, but they were also my crowd and I liked them. We had fun laughing and hanging out around the local park.
Stranger: What was the local park called?
You: One day my friend got a jint. I was nervous but I had to try it, I'd look like an idiot if I didn't! I mean EVERYONE was trying! I took a smoke and felt awful but played it off cool.
You: It was called Nilbog.
You: Anyways, my mom came over a that moment. She was probably coming to check on me. She froze.
You: I didn't know what to say so i didn't say anything, neither did my friends.
You: She took me home teary eyed without saying a word. When we got home we had a screaming argument and that's when my mom got scared she said, "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel aire"
Stranger: YES
Stranger: WIN
You: know.
You: *I know.
Stranger: I was SO waiting for that!
You: I'm awesome.
You: And Nilbog was mad eup too. It's from a movie you never want to see.
You: *Made
You: *Up
Stranger: You have officially made my day.
Stranger: Thank you good sir or madam.
You: Thank you!

My favorite Fail blogs.

I love making fun of other people to make myself feel better! Okay I'm joking, but I do love making fun of stupid people on the Internet. Which is why I love Fail blog! If you don't know what that is LOOK IT UP NOW! It's a collection of pictures and videos of people (And sometimes animals) acting stupid and well, failing. There have been tons of blogs dedicated to peoples failures many with different themes; here a few of my favorite Fail type blogs!

Lamebook: Have you ever been on facebook and thought 'Wow, that person is an idiot' for writing something stupid? From grammar mistakes to awful profile pictures this website covers all the idiots on Facebook. Here is an example:

Unfriendable: Kind of like Lamebook this website has a lot of Facebook fails but it also has things from Omegle, Cleverbot and Yahoo Answers (And having been on Yahoo Answers I know how hilarious the questions can get) I would check it out. Here's an example:

Regretsy: This might be my favorite on the list. It has all sorts of strange fails from the craft website 'Etsy' where people sell what they have made (Or claim to have made). Some stuff on Etsy is amazing but a lot of it is really....well, you'll see for yourself. WARNING: This website is very graphic sometimes! Actually it's so graphic they have 'Vaginas' and 'penises' as category's.

Damn you auto correct! Another great one! This website is all about those awful auto correct fails. I think the title says it all.

Poorly dressed: I love fashion. I love looking at cute dresses, I like buying clothes and most of all I like to make fun of awful fashion. This website is dedicated to the worst dressed out there. From tacky shiny and tight prom dresses to outdated 80's fashion, to creepy club kids and men in pink tutu's. You're going to like this one.


Awkward family photos: Have you ever looked back on an old family photo and feel the urge to burn it? This website is about those tacky and horrible pictures of you and your family. From mothers who knit ugly sweaters, to a bad gymnastics costume and a naked couple holing cats in front of themselves you will be laughing hysterically when you see this, or crying when you find out it's your mom in the picture. A sample of the website:

People of Walmart: This website is why I shop from Walmart online. These are photos from all over in different Walmarts of people I can't even describe. Some are just pictures of people with really bad fashion, like an obese woman in booty shorts. And some are more insane like an old man walking through Walmart naked. Yes, naked.


Well, that's all for right now. I know I'm leaving something out but I forget. Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My favorite slasher films.

I've always loved watching Slasher films at night when it's raining. They're the best! Here are a few of my favorites.

1: Carrie.

Carrie probably had the worst life ever. Made fun of at school to no end, had an insane religious fanatic mother and was forced to pray in a closet. Stephen King does not disappoint. I read the book Carrie, and of course it was better than the movie but the movie does a really good job of re telling the story. I won't give away what happens at the end (Though most people probably know...) But I was on Carrie's side the whole time.

2: Friday the 13th

This movie is great because it follows such a simple plot! The movie follows the plot of Jason Voorhees, who drowned at summer camp after the counselors were too busy making out to look after him. In most of the movies it's Jason who's the killer, following around teenage counselors and killing them after they have sex, but in the very first movie it's actually his mother who's the killer! I saw the sequels, and I saw the remake. A lot of the sequels were crap (Like Jason X) probably because they tried to do too much with the series to make it interesting. Honestly, my favorite are the classics where Jason is killing people at camp. Did I mention I watch this movie before I go away to my Summer camp?

3: Halloween

Halloween is probably the most famous in the slasher genre, because it does it so well! The story follows Michael Meyers, an escaped inmate who stalks a babysitter on Halloween night (The babysitter played by Jamie Lee Curtis, the scream queen) This movie also has one of the best soundtracks ever! Try putting that music on at night while trying to go to sleep. Also, did you know the famous Michael Meyers mask is just a William Shatner mask painted white?

4: IT

To me, one of the scariest monsters to be in a horror movie is a clown. Yes, a clown. I haven't been afraid of clowns since I was about four, but they still have this odd freaky feel to them. That's why I love this movie so much! Based on a novel by Stephen king, It follows the story of a demon is disguise of a clown who comes back to haunt a group of people who he terrorized as children. He can turn into anything! He's also a spider! Just watch the movie, It's great. And also, when I was around six there use to be a creepy ass clown who came to the local playground and he stole one of my brothers friends money.


The SCREAM costume was out before this movie, but this movie is what made it famous. Scream is a great film because it's a classic slasher film, but it's also making fun of slasher films at the same time. the movie follows a serial killer who is stalking a high school girl and terrorizing a small town a year after the same girls mother was raped and murdered. This movie actually is pretty funny, and it goes over all the old horror movie cliches like, Don't have sex, don't drink or do drugs, don't run up the stairs when you should be running out the front door, etc, etc. Of course the characters do these anyways and each starts dying off leading up to a huge plot twist.

6: A nightmare on Elms street.

A nightmare on Elms street is one of the most creative ideas for a horror movie ever, Imagine not being able to sleep for fear that you could be killed in your dreams!  I must say that Freddy Krueger is one of the most stylish villains ever. Just look at him in that fedora and those sleek pants. He looks great in red! The man knows his coloring. The movie just gets scarier as it goes along and he stalks a group of high school students. Who will survive? And how do you kill someone in your dreams? Watch and find out! Another great twist ending.

7: The Shining

The Shining is probably my favorite on the list. Again, based on a novel by Stephen King it follows Jack a recovering alcoholic who starts to slowly drift into madness. But is it real, or is he just imagining it? The acting in this film is amazing, probably the best of any horror movie. With Jack Nicholson as the star. Who could forget, 'Heres.....JOHNNY!" and "Red rum!" Also amazing acting from the little boy who plays his son. Don't miss it,

8: SAW

SAW is a very complicated plot, the killer only kills the people who have done wrong, by his definition. The killer is called Jigsaw and he speaks to his victims through a talking puppet. The victims are told they can either go through a series of extremely violent painful tests in order to live or let the device they are trapped in kill them. Example: A child molester gets chained to a bed, in order to live he must gouge his eyes out. A crooked cop cuts off her hand, etc,etc. And the traps are so unique! Who could forget the reverse bear trap? If you ever wake up in a dark room attached to something horrible and you see a puppet that tells you he wants to play a game, you won't be playing Monopoly.

9: Child's Play

Child's Play is about a doll. I always thought dolls were great in horror film, They're just so creepy when they're alive. In all honesty, I thought Chucky was overrated but it did bring the creepy doll genre back to horror. Chucky is actually just a normal doll possessed by a serial killer who tortures the little boy who receives him, and tries to take his soul. He's pretty funny and has great catch phrases. And, if you make it through the whole series he has a son with another doll. Yeah, what the hell right? The dolls sex scenes are the worst. But Chucky just proves something we all know: Gingers have no soul.

10: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This movie is insane. It has cannibals, chainsaw killings, creepy masks, inbred hillbillys. It's one of the grittiest goriest films ever. A group of young adults encounter an insane cannibal family of inbred folk who torture them and try to eat them. Try watching this movie and eating meat, delicious!

Well, that's it for right now I'll be back to write more reviews on other horror movies I like. Next, I'll write about horror movies I love that I feel don't get enough recognition.

Thanks for reading: My favorite slasher flicks.

Monday, May 16, 2011

No words can describe this video.

10 HUGE photoshop fails

1. I'm not sure I would call this photoshop fail...but It is certainly a fail...

2. Before and after:


3. Missing a leg

4. Caught in mid air

5. Boobs fail


6. The couch makes you float!

7. So...he really is a girl?

8. Uhh...

9. The extra hand...on her leg

10. Missing an arm.

Would you pay 1,000 for a pizza?

I live in NYC, which is I admit has a ton of over priced things. One of the most overpriced being food! Would you pay 1000 for a pizza?

Friday, May 13, 2011


Do not be creeped out by the photo of the hand in the eye. I thought it was artsy and cool to have it there, lol. I don't know how to change it...